Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What are you blogging about?

You know how you meet somebody and they ask you what you do? Then you tell them you're a blogger. What kind of a reaction do you get? Most of the people I meet move back a couple of steps like it might be catching. Anyways, I thought I'd share what I'm blogging about and you can feel free to post links to your blogs in the comments.

My evil twin, Esmerelda, blogs about pop culture at the Connie Talk news blog. It's a sassy mix of politics, entertainment and whatever else catches our attention.

I blog about being the parent of a teenager over at Parent Juice. We're just a group of parents talking about the ups and downs of raising a teen these days.

My blog Ozark Travel Tips. is all about traveling in the Arkansas, Missouri, and Okalhoma Ozarks.

And of course, I blog here at What You See.

Here's some of last week's offerings:

Don't forget to leave a comment and let me know what you're blogging about.

1 comment:

Lela said...

Hmmm - caffeine free energy increase, immune boosting salads, and scrambled egg sandwiches at Prevention Buzz:

The LPGA's new mandate that players speak English at Business Pundit

And a bitof Palin punditry on Capitalist Banter: