Friday, March 13, 2009

HAWK Writing Seminars--"The Writer's Boot Camp"

The Seminars (June 8-13) are week-long intensive writing symposiums on the beautiful University of Tulsa campus for aspiring writers ready to seriously improve their work. This is a rare opportunity to transform your writing by working with Executive Director William Bernhardt and other multi-published authors.

The Seminar is five intense, inspiring days learning the art and craft of writing. In these small, hands-on groups, each participant will write or revise a first-rate query letter, synopsis, outline, and several chapters—the building blocks for selling and publishing your work. This is an rare opportunity to transform your writing.

There will be two separate seminar groups—one for fiction and one for nonfiction. Each group will meet between four and five hours a day and will be strictly limited to ten participants. The small class size and the direct focus on each writer's own work has proven to produce results. Two students from last year's Seminar have already sold their first books to major publishers. Bernhardt taught the same program last year at Maui, and three of his eight students have already sold their first books to major publishers.

There are discount rates available at the Crowne Plaza. See the HAWK website for contact information.

HAWK Writing Seminar
June 8-12, 2009
University of Tulsa
Tulsa OK

For information and registration, use the attached brochure or visit:

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